In combat, if your portside armour is taking a beating, then rotate around and show them the starboard side! Hide behind a friendly capital ship’s shields warp into and out of the fray, launch fighters, lay mines, and so much more. yeah i am sure stardrive 2 is a better game with its AI where it has. You will find new worlds to colonize and conquer. As the galactic ruler of your race you will lead your people into a. The aircraft is the first to use StarDrive, a new set of digital engineering tools. Got all the + traits, then took away all the extra points. Lockheed Martin Lockheed Martin has revealed its new Speed Racer uncrewed aerial vehicle. In StarDrive, you will design your own race to lead into the stars. Compare prices of over 40 stores to find best deals for StarDrive 2 in digital. I used CoSMOS with a Custom Race and simply gave myself tons of trait points. StarDrive takes a modular approach to ship design, allowing the player to create custom ships where the composition and placement of ship modules really matters to the performance of a ship. For StarDrive 2 on the PC, GameFAQs has 34 achievements. The heart of StarDrive is its ship design and combat engine. Outside of combat, StarDrive 2 is also a very familiar type of 4X, and this is where the results are decidedly mixed. Trade, spy and research your way to galactic domination. Starting with a single planet and a small number of space-worthy vessels, you must venture forth into the galaxy, conquer new worlds, build new colonies and defend your very existence against those who would take what is yours. StarDrive sets a new benchmark for the ‘4X Space Strategy’ genre.